Rehlat & Shattaf – Making the Connection

By Monalisha Mallick

  ●   17 Dec 18


شلون تفهّم اللي ما يفهم؟ رسالة الى العالم بالنيابة عنكم من رحلات

(Translation of the above: How do we get them to understand? A message from Rehlat to the world on behalf of Arabs everywhere.) Now that we have your attention…

What’s all the fuss about? 

Rehlat is a brand that understands the needs and anxieties of the Middle Eastern traveler. One of the biggest anxieties comes from the absence of a very important tool that is installed in 99% of restrooms across the Middle East and in most parts of Asia, the Shattaf.

Pronounced, Shat-taf, the tool is a hose with a nozzle that sprays water. Think of it as a shower head, but upside down. Not to go into too much detail but hygiene is an incredibly important part of Islamic traditions and values, so the usage of toilet paper alone, isn’t an accepted option.

What tends to happen once these Arab travelers visit countries that do not have a Shattaf installed, they come up with make shift alternatives like, a water bottle with a hole pierced in the cap, spray bottle or even a portable hose that would connect to a faucet or shower head.

So what is the objective of the campaign now?

Aside from the obvious, which is to educate Western audiences on this tool, we as Rehlat believe that it is our responsibility as a Middle Eastern travel brand to use our platform to address issues that matter to our customers whom in this case, are Arab travelers. The objective however, isn’t merely to educate. We have invested in crafting a message that will evoke change and encourage hotels, airports, malls, or any external outlets that house restrooms to adopt the usage of Shattaf, if not to accommodate Arab visitors, then to offer a more environmentally friendly and hygienic solution for all.

Few Tweets to Read (#washvswipe or #شلون_تفهم_اللي_مايفهم )







Thank you to the community that participated in getting the word out on this movement, you guys are incredible! But we are just getting started and the movement continues with the below campaign video:


Facts, videos, & petition – we have done everything to spread the importance of Shattaf. We go one step further in our pursuit for change. We literally went there. Think this will help?

We would love to hear from you! What are your travel anxieties? Ever been in a Shattaf-less situation. Share your experience and let’s get this movement started… 


Monalisha Mallick

Creative soul. Writer. Traveler. Monalisha is infinitely curious about the world. When not answering questions about her career choice (graduation in Engineering and profession in writing), she enjoys going out to experience new places, savor fresh cuisines, meet people (many time weird) and soak in the culture from different eras and places.

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Rehlat & Shattaf – Making the Connection