Abu Dhabi Trip – A Wonderful Journey with Many Memories

By Veerendra N

  ●   03 Aug 18


“Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times” – Anonymous

What I love about the quote is that it applies to everything- not just travel. It tells you to be bold in pursuing your passions and the things you are interested in. For me, it’s travel. For others, it may be a business venture, a lifestyle change, or even just a big life decision. Whatever you are passionate about, pursue it relentlessly.

Traveling for me puts things into perspective. It allows me to realize that there are far bigger things that my problems. So what if the WiFi is slow or if my favorite ramen place is closed. Traveling allows you to see that the world is not always about you. It allows me to see how other people live and what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

Traveling has humbled me and has broadened my perspective in so many ways. Traveling to places like Southeast Asia and other impoverished areas has given me a sense of gratefulness for the modern day comforts that I am able to enjoy.

My last trip was to Abu Dhabi – the gorgeous capital of the UAE. Here’s my trip details to inspire you to pack your bags to this glistening city.

Abu Dhabi Trip – Day by Day Guide

1st Day in Abu Dhabi

Ferrari World

After having breakfast saw some visiting spots on the way and then went to my first priority Ferrari World. The first day was amazing and after Ferrari World, I headed to Yas Mall and was till midnight there having a blast.

2nd Day in Abu Dhabi

Went for city tour and saw the major attractions like the Grand Mosque & Palace, Marina Mall, & the Beach.

3rd Day in Abu Dhabi

Dubai Global Village

Took a trip to Dubai, a city that is a tribute to human ingenuity that is built on desert sands. Whatever you read about Dubai, the city is much bigger than that – the skyscrapers, the facilities, the hotels, the hospitality, everything will awe you. I saw the Burj Khalifa and then I went to the Global Village. Dubai has created another world in itself. It’s zing zing amazing

4th Day in Abu Dhabi

I went for scuba diving and spent the rest of evening exploring Abu Dhabi.

Scuba Diving in Abu Dhabi

After finishing the trip, I felt like this is what life is and this is the way to live life.

Enjoyed the tour a lot. Adios Abu Dhabi till the next time.

Veerendra N

Guest Blogger Travel is my passion and I believe in the quote "Better to See Something Once Than Hear about it a Thousand Times"

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Abu Dhabi Trip – A Wonderful Journey with Many Memories